5 Most Popular Writing Sites that Pay Daily upto $100

Last Updated on June 15, 2024 by Exotic Irfan

Writing Sites that Pay Daily: Hi friends, Are you searching for writing sites that pay daily and article writing sites to Make money Online?

If you are searching for those writing sites that pay Daily 2024, that means you are a freelancer or a content creator.

Every freelancer wants to earn a sufficient amount of money. And they also want to know the most popular writing sites that pay up to $100 daily.

Some of you guys are thinking, Is it possible to earn $100 in one day? But if you are a freelancer, then you know that it is possible.

Some freelancers are earning up to $25,000 in a month or a day through various methods or websites.

So, if you are a freelancer or want to become one, then you need to know about the writing sites that pay up to $100 daily.

For those who don’t know the meaning of freelancer, then Freelancer means

  • Job without a Boss and Make Money Online
  • Don’t depend on others; be your boss

Some don’t want to work under a boss. And you know, guys, there are also so many Websites that are available on the Internet.

These websites give you 100% work, and when you do that work, these websites will pay you some money.

Make Money Online
Anonymous writing sites

Working Writing Sites to earn money online

That work depends on yourself, i.e., what types of skills you have, like:

I am telling you guys that it depends on you—what is your passion or what do you like the most?

There are also those freelancers who don’t know the most popular, highest-paying writing sites that pay daily up to $100, and if you are also one of them, then don’t worry.

You are in the right place because I know about your taste, and here in this article, I will tell you the top 5 most popular and highest paying writing sites that pay daily up to $100.

So, friends, don’t waste any more time; let us get started.

Best highest paying Writing Sites that Pay Daily up to $100

Friends, if you have 5 minutes, then read this article and don’t waste a single word.

Because here in this article, I will tell you about those sites that Pay Daily up to $100. And with the help of this, you can earn up to $30000, or a minimum of $10000 per month.

So, friends, here are the top 5 most popular writing sites that pay daily up to $100.

1) Cracked.com ($100-$200)


Cracked.com is a free humor site. If you create an article for Funny/Smart, then Cracked.com is only for you.

It is America’s No. 1 humor site in the U.S., which provides you with funny videos, pictures, and articles and gives others naughty things. This site is the best internet funny comedy site that is all present on this site.

And with the help of this website, you can earn a large amount of money. Nowadays, museums and historical sites are mainly working on this feature. So, you can also write or read anything here and earn money online.

Things you have to do on Cracked.com 

  • First of all, Go to this Website and click on the sign-up Option
  • After that, click on the Register option and then enter your username, i.e., what you want to make your username on Cracked.com
  • After that enter the Password and then Re-Enter the Password
  • Now fill in your Gmail ID
  • After that, Click On Agree on Terms and Conditions and all the other options, and then click on I am not a robot option.
  • Now click on the Create Account Option

Sometimes you will get a confirmation email, and then go to your registered Gmail account and click on Cracked.com Mail.

Now confirm yourself by clicking on the confirmation link.

How Cracked.com Works 

On cracked.com, you have to create a funny article, and after that, pitch this article on cracked.com.

And then, if your article gets some good reviews, they will pay you $100.

Sometimes, the rate of each article will go up to $200, and if your article comes on the first top 10 list of the week’s articles, then they will give you a $100 bonus, which will be automatically credited to your account.

So, friends, I am telling you that this is the best option to earn $30000 per month.

If you want to go to this website, Just Click here, “Cracked

2) Uxbooth ($100) (Writing sites that pay daily)

Uxbooth Writing Sites that Pay Daily

UXbooth is a design platform from which you can design an image, shape, or thing.

This is the most popular and highest-paying site, where you will earn about $100,000 to $200,000 per month.

This website has lots of users, and if you have a good knowledge of design, then You must Visit this Website

Things you have to do on Uxbooth 

  • First of all, Go to uxbooth Website and click on the sign-up Option
  • After that, click on the Register option and then enter your username, i.e., what you want to make your username on UXbooth.
  • After that, enter the password, and then re-enter it.
  • Now put your Gmail ID
  • After that, Click On Agree on Terms and Conditions and all the other options and then click on I am not Robot Option
  • Now click on the Create Account option.

On Uxbooth, after the creation of an account, Uxbooth will provide you with a development editor; then you have to create an article, and after that, pitch this article on Uxbooth.

And if your article gets some good reviews, then they will pay you $100 at the current rate.

If you want to go to this website, Just click here, “uxbooth

3) Sitepoint-Writing sites that pay daily 


Sitepoint deals with technical skills. If you have any technical skills, like

  • PHP
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Mobile Development
  • UX
  • Design
  • HTML

Then this SitePoint is only for you. On this website, you have to create an account and get paid daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

Things you have to do on SitePoint

  • First of all, Go to this Sitepoint Website and click on the sign-up Option
  • After that, click on the Register option on this site, and then enter your username, i.e., what you want to make your username on Sitepoint.com
  • After that, enter the Password and then Re-Enter the Password
  • Now put your Gmail ID
  • After that, Click On Agree on Terms and Conditions and all the other options of the site, and then click on I am not a robot option.
  • Now click on the Create Account option.

On SitePoint, after the creation of an account, SitePoint checks your skills, and then they will take an order from the industry.

And after that, they will provide you with your work. Now you have to create an article, and after that, reply to this article on SitePoint Customer, and then they will pay you $100.

If you want to go to this SitePoint website, Click here: “Sitepoint

4) College Humor ($50-$150)

College Humor Writing Sites that Pay Daily

College Humor is an entertainment site where you have to fill in funny articles, funny jokes, or funny news.

College Humor is the most popular website and has about 100 Million users. The age limit for this website is 18 to 49 years.

Things you have to do on College Humor 

  • First of all, Go to this College Honor Website and click on the Signup Option
  • After that, click on the Register option and then enter your username, i.e., what you want to make your username on College Humor
  • After that enter the Password and then Re-Enter the Password
  • Now put your Gmail ID
  • After that, Click On Agree on Terms and Conditions and all the other options and then click on I am not Robot Option
  • Now click on the Create Account Option

After the creation of an account, you have to create a funny article, funny joke, or funny news and upload it to the Submission Option.

After that, College Humor will publish your article on the homepage, and when your article gets some response, they will pay you $50.

And hence, as a result of this, you will generate a great amount of income.

If you want to go to this website, Click here for “College Honor“.

5) B.Michelle Pippin ($25-$150)

B.Michelle Pippin Writing Sites that Pay Daily

B. Michelle Pippin is an online job-provider website.

On this website, job-giving companies advertise the work, and after that, it depends on you and your skills as to how you will take that work.

Things you have to do on B. Michele Pippin 

  • First of all, Go to this B Michelle Website and click on the sign-up Option
  • After that, click on Register, which is shown on this site, and then enter your Username, or what you want to make your username
  • After that, enter the Password and then Re-Enter the Password
  • Now fill in your Gmail ID
  • After that, Click On Agree on Terms and Conditions and all the other options, and then click on I am not a robot option.
  • Now click on the Create Account Option

After the creation of an account, you have to apply for a job, and someone will accept your invitation.

And then you have to create an article and give this article to the customer.

Now this customer will pay you $50 to $150. This money depends on your article. And hence, as a result of this, you will generate a great amount of income.

If you want to go to this website, just click here for “B Michelle Pippin“.

Others sites:

  • Upwork.com
  • Fiverr.com
  • Freelancer.com
  • Guru.com, etc.


So, friends, in this article, I told you the Top 5 Most Popular Writing Sites that Pay Daily up to $100.

And if you have any questions about this, then put your question in the comment section.

I will reply to your comment as soon as possible. Thanks for reading this article and please also share it with your friends and family.

Must-Folloon your social networks.


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